-v4.0.0 * [Added] Angular 5 Native Support * [Upgrade] Bootstrap v4.1 * [Upgrade] JQuery 3.2.1 * [Removed] MeteroJS Support * [Fixed] Minor Issues on HTML version * [Fixed] SASS fixes and LESS optimization -v3.0.0 * [Upgrade] Bootstrap v4 * [Added] 5 Different Layouts * [Added] 2 New themes * [Removed] IE9 support * [Removed] Angular 1.x Support * [Upgrade] CalendarJS compatibility with npm * [Fixed] Bugs in IE10 * [Upgrade] MeteroJS support to v1.5 * [Fixed] SASS fixes and LESS optimization - v2.3.0 * [Upgrade] Bootstrap to v3.3.7 * [Upgrade] Fontawesome to v4.7.0 * [Fixed] [Calendar] pagescalendar('getEvents',option); * [Fixed] [Calendar] pagescalender(“rebuild”) * [Fixed] [Calendar] Setting startOfTheWeek and endOfTheWeek breaks * [Fixed] [Calendar] Scroll to first event is not working properly * [Fixed] [Calendar] Calendar.settings.header.visible not applying properly * [Fixed] Prevent scroll propagation on sidebar menu * [Fixed] [Calendar] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'pageX' of undefined - v2.2.0 * [Add] Pending Comments Widget * [Add] Map Sales Widget * [Upgrade] Select2 to v4.0.3 * [Removed] Select2 v3.x * [Fixed] [Calendar] weekends: false makes Mondays be empty * [Fixed] [Calendar] this.checkOptionsAndBuild() * [Fixed] [Calendar] onTimeSlotDblClick not working on mobile * [Fixed] [Calendar] scroll to first Event * [Fixed] [Calendar] overlapping events more than 2 causes wrong length * [Fixed] csSelect for angular - v2.1.6 * [Add] Minimal Weekly Stats Widget * [Add] Project Progress Widget * [Add] Stat Cards Widget * [Fixed] Angular Email Compose Unwanted width * [Remove] duplicate code * [Add] "context" parameter to init functions - Pages.js * [Add] Better way to get selected option * [Remove] unused variable (padding) - Pages.js - v2.1.5 * Full Compatibility with SASS / SCSS * Compatibility with LibSass * Misspelled bootstrap diretory in assets folder * Remove console.log calls in pages.js https://github.com/revoxltd/pages/issues?q=milestone%3A%22SCSS+Full+Support%22+is%3Aclosed - v2.1.4 [Add] Weekly Widget : Todo [Add] Bootstrap Typehead plugin - JQuery and Angular [Update] Barebone html header [Fixed] Calendar: Set week to be visible by default2 [Fixed] Calendar Event Callbacks are not being called5 [Fixed] Calendar week view bug7 https://github.com/revoxltd/pages/issues?q=milestone%3A2.1.4 - v2.1.3 * Fixes for sass/scss * [Calendar] eventOverlap should be set to false by default and changing does not disable events to overlap * [Calendar] eventBubble attribute not working as expected * [Calendar] ui visible option change doesn't effect anything * [Calendar] local variable/attribute change doesn't effect anything * [Notification] In mobile when menu is open it overlaps with the sidebar * [Calendar] MonthView onMonth change issue https://github.com/revoxltd/pages/issues?q=milestone%3Av2.1.3+is%3Aclosed - v2.1.2 * Weekly Widget #2 - Table Widget * Weekly Widget #3 - Pie Chart Widget * Fixed : Datatable Pagination Styles * Fixed : Using Boostrap dropdowns in tables * Fixed : Calendar date selectiong gets slower with each selection * Fixed : Force load all fonts via HTTP breaks SSL * Fixed : Jquery in Rails * Fixed : Datatable sorting_disabled css For more information visit https://github.com/revoxltd/pages/issues?q=milestone%3Av2.1.2+is%3Aclosed or http://help.revox.io/t/change-log-v2-1-2/116